HOW TO: ======= We need to know what translations Apple is using for common menu items so that we can match them and provide consistency. So, what we need you to do is open a selection of Apple apps and write down the translations used in your language. The applications we need you to look in are these: - TextEdit - iTunes - Pages - Preview - Safari - Photos - Finder - Mail All you need to do is look through the main menu in each of these apps and write down the translation used for each of the terms listed below. For instance: "File" = "Ablage" "Open…" = "Öffnen" "Close" = "Sichern" We can then check these common menu items against the translations our translators have provided and update them where necessary. Once you have filled in this file, please save it and send it to If you fill in everything accurately, in return, as an expression of our gratitude for your help, I'll send you a 100% discount coupon that you'll be able to use to get Scrivener 3 for free when it is released. Thanks for your help! - - - - - - - - - - # LANGUAGE: Chinese (Simplified) - - - - - - - - - - ============== From TextEdit: ============== "TextEdit": "About TextEdit" = 关于文本编辑 "Preferences…" = 偏好设置 "Services" = 服务 "Hide TextEdit" = 隐藏文本编辑 "Hide Others" = 隐藏其他 "Show All" = 全部显示 "Quit TextEdit" = 退出文本编辑 "File" = 文件 "Open…" = 打开 "Close" = 关闭 "Save…" = 存储 "Save As…" (NOTE: Hold down Alt/Option to see this) = 存储为 "Page Setup…" = 页面设置 "Print" = 打印 "Edit" = 编辑 "Undo" = 撤销 "Redo" = 重做 "Cut" = 剪切 "Copy" = 拷贝 "Paste" = 粘贴 "Paste and Match Style" = 粘贴并匹配样式 "Delete" = 删除 "Complete" = 联想 "Select All" = 全选 "Insert" = 插入 "Line Break" = 换行 "Paragraph Break" = 分段 "Page Break" = 分页 "Add Link…" = 添加链接 "Edit Link…" = 编辑链接 "Find…" = 查找 "Find…" = 查找... "Find Next" = 查找下一个 "Find Previous" = 查找上一个 "Use Selection For Find" = 查找所选内容 "Jump to Selection" = 跳到所选内容 "Spelling and Grammar" = 拼写和语法 "Show Spelling and Grammar" = 显示拼写和语法 "Hide Spelling and Grammar" = 隐藏拼写和语法 "Check Document Now" = 立即检查文稿 "Check Spelling While Typing" = 键入时检查拼写 "Check Grammar With Spelling" = 检查拼写和语法 "Substitutions" = 替换 "Smart Quotes" = 智能引号 "Transformations" = 转换 "Make Uppercase" = 变为大写 "Make Lowercase" = 变为小写 "Speech" = 语音 "Start Speaking" = 开始朗读 "Stop Speaking" = 停止朗读 "Format" = 格式 "Font" = 字体 "Show Fonts" = 显示字体 "Hide Fonts" = 隐藏字体 "Bold" = 粗体 "Italic" = 斜体 "Underline" = 加下划线 "Outline" = 空心 "Styles…" = 样式... "Bigger" = 较大 "Smaller" = 较小 "Kern" = 字距调整 "Use Default" = 使用默认 "Use None" = 都不使用 "Tighten" = 紧排 "Loosen" = 松排 "Ligatures" = 连字 "Use Default" = 使用默认 "Use None" = 都不使用 "Use All" = 全部使用 "Baseline" = 基线 "Use Default" = 使用默认 "Superscript" = 上标 "Subscript" = 下标 "Raise" = 升高 "Lower" = 降低 "Character Shape" = 字符形状 "Traditional Form" = 传统字型 "Show Colors" = 显示颜色 "Hide Colors" = 隐藏颜色 "Copy Style" = 拷贝样式 "Paste Style" = 粘贴样式 "Text" = 文本 "Align Left" = 左对齐 "Center" = 居中 "Justify" = 两端对齐 "Align Right" = 右对齐 "Writing Direction" = 书写方向 "Right to Left" = 从右到左 "Show Ruler" = 显示标尺 "Hide Ruler" = 隐藏标尺 "Copy Ruler" = 拷贝标尺 "Paste Ruler" = 粘贴标尺 "Spacing…" = 间距... "List…" = 列表... "Table…" = 表格... "View" = 显示 "Show Tab Bar" = 显示标签页栏 "Actual Size" = 实际大小 "Zoom In" = 放大 "Zoom Out" = 缩小 "Enter Full Screen" = 进入全屏幕 "Exit Full Screen" = 退出全屏幕 "Window" = 窗口 "Minimize" = 最小化 "Minimize All" (hold down Option/Alt to see this) = 全部最小化 "Zoom" = 缩放 "Zoom All" (hold down Option/Alt to see this) = 全部缩放 "Show Previous Tab" = 显示上一个标签页 "Show Next Tab" = 显示下一个标签页 "Move Tab to New Window" = 将标签页移到新窗口 "Merge All Windows" = 合并所有窗口 "Bring All to Front" = 前置全部窗口 "Arrange in Front" (hold down Option/Alt to see this) = 排在前面 "Help" = 帮助 - - - - - - - - - - ============ From iTunes: ============ File "Convert" = 转换 Devices > "Back Up" = 备份 - - - - - - - - - - =========== From Pages: =========== File > "Duplicate" = 复制 "Insert" = "Comment" = 批注 "Footnote" = 脚注 View > Inspector > "Show Inspector" = 显示检查器 "Hide Inspector" = 隐藏检查器 View > "Show Invisibles" = 显示不可见元素 "Hide Invisibles" = 隐藏不可见元素 "Zoom" = 缩放 "Zoom In" = 放大 "Zoom Out" = 缩小 "Fit Width" = 适合宽度 "Fit Page" = 适合页面 "Show Toolbar" = 显示工具栏 "Hide Toolbar" = 隐藏工具栏 "Customise Toolbar…" = 自定工具栏 Format > Font > "Strikethrough" = 删除线 "Character Spacing" = 字符间距 - - - - - - - - - - ============= From Preview: ============= View > "Automatically Resize" = "Actual Size" = 实际大小 "Size to Fit" = 缩放至窗口大小 "Single Page" = 单页 "Facing Pages" = "Continuous" = 连续滚动 - - - - - - - - - - ============ From Safari: ============ "Bookmarks" = 书签 - - - - - - - - - - ============ From Photos: ============ File > "New Folder" = 新建文件夹 View > "Metadata" = 元数据 "Keywords" = 关键词 - - - - - - - - - - ============ From Finder: ============ Finder > "Empty Trash…" = 清倒废纸篓 File > "Move to Trash" = 移到废纸篓 - - - - - - - - - - ========== From Mail: ========== Message > "Move To" = 移到 "Copy To" = 拷贝到