Translation Feedback - Swedish
Please keep all feedback pertaining to the Swedish translation of Scrivener's UI to this thread.
NOTE: Please try to explain all issues in English, as we only speak English ourselves, although we will be passing all feedback on to our translators.
When posting suggestions for changing translations, I would be grateful if you could do it in this format from now on:
++ Place in Interface
"Current Translation" = "Suggestion"
"Another Translation" = "Another Suggestion"
For instance:
++ Main Menu:
"Navigation" = "Blah Blah"
"Outliner Options" = "Blah blah"
++ Inspector:
"Comments" = "Better Word"
++ Compile:
"Compile" = "Suggestion"
And so on. This will allow me to copy your suggestions straight into my new updating tools with very little editing and so ensure they are applied. If you would rather send me a file with all the suggestions, please just use the above format and put it into a plain text file. Thanks!
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1 Posted by keith on 29 Sep, 2017 08:21 AM
A new beta is going out today in which the entire UI has been translated. (Please note that the tutorial and documentation are not translated.) Because Scrivener has been evolving a little during the translation period, there may well be a few phrases or words that are still in English because they changed or were added to Scrivener while the translators were working. Please let us know all problems you find, including any phrases you find that are still in English.
2 Posted by Nils Öhman on 02 Oct, 2017 04:59 PM
I found several menu items that are not translated to Swedish (in somewhat random order):
- Favorite projects/Clear Favorites - Add Project to Favorites - Page Setup - Print Current Document - Image from file... - New from Template - Clear all Naviagtion options - Gå till/Collections - Outliner options/Columns - Outliner options/Use Fixed Row Height - Preferences
And all names in the Compilation box are english.
The seven layout names in the Layout sub menu are in english.
3 Posted by keith on 02 Oct, 2017 05:08 PM
Thanks, Nils. All of those are items we added in the past couple of weeks, so they haven't been translated yet (except for "Preferences..." - there's a weird bug with that translation). And with "Image from File..." we changed it from "Image From File...", which has thrown off the translations - I'll fix that.
All the best,
4 Posted by Nils Öhman on 02 Oct, 2017 05:28 PM
Regarding the translation:
1) I don't like the translation of "Research" to "Forskning". Research is a well established swedish word and it means "searching for background facts" [SAOL 2017]. The meaning of "Forskning" is more close to a scientists activity. I would say that this translation is incorrect. And the word "Forskning" feels unnecessary pretentious.
2) The translation of "sidebar" to "band" is very odd. A better word would be "sidofältet" which directly translates to "the side field". This word is also used in Safari by Apple.
Everything else looks just fine.
5 Posted by keith on 02 Oct, 2017 05:33 PM
Great, thanks Nils. Where about does sidebar appear? Sorry, there are so many UI elements that I use track. :)
6 Posted by Nils Öhman on 02 Oct, 2017 05:46 PM
In the "View" menu. ("Visa" in Swedish):
"Visa band" alternating with "Dölj band". Should be
"Visa sidofält" alternating with "Dölj sidofält".
7 Posted by keith on 02 Oct, 2017 05:54 PM
Wait, is this the command with the Opt-Cmd-B shortcut? If so, it should really be translated to whatever the equivalent of "Binder" is. We don't call it "sidebar" in English - we cal it "Binder", as in "Ring-binder", because that's how it acts, and that's how all the documentation refers to it. Is there no good equivalent for this in Swedish?
8 Posted by Nils Öhman on 02 Oct, 2017 06:08 PM
I see. Of course.
I would say that "band" is definitely not the best word. There are some better alternatives:
1) "Pärm" which is a direct translation of binder, but is often understood as "Ring binder". Could work and is better than "Band".
2) "Mapp" which means "Folder". It's used for folders in OS:es so the association is more correct. No problem to understand, might be mistaken for a folder in your computer but that shouldn't be a problem?
9 Posted by matsgz on 03 Oct, 2017 12:11 PM
Sorry Nils,
I see that you already covered much of what I've written.
The Swedish translation i apparently a work in progress, and probably you already know what is translated and what is not. Anyhow, this is some things I’ve noticed.
Preferences… (not translated)
Open (not translated) Favourite Projects>Clear Favourites (not translated) Add Projects to Favourites (not translated) Page Setup (not translated) Print Current Document (not translated)
>Markera>Välj "inkluderade" underdokument (Why quotes)
Image to File (not translated)
Document (not translated) Outliner Options> (not translated) >Columns (not translated) >Use Fixed Row Height (not translated) (Here as in other places the word "Label" appears. In the Project Settings (Projektinställningar) "Label" is translated to "Etikett", which is the correct Swedish word)
Öppna> >in Textfönster (should be "i textfönster") >in Annat textfönster (should be "i annat textfönster") Bandvalseffekter> >Open Non-Group Items in Other (not translated) Clear All Navigation Options (not translated)
New from Template> (not translated) >Character Sketch (not translated) >Setting Sketch (not translated) Projektinställningar> >Avsnittstyper> >Sub-list (not translated) >Etikettlista> (Label eller Etikett?) >Sub-list (not translated) >Statuslista> >Sub-list (not translated) >Specialmappar> >Template Sheets (not translated)
>New Folder from Selection (not translated) (I’ve noticed that you have chosen not to chose a Swedish word for "Synopsis", which is okey. What I find a bit jarring, though, is the plural "Synopsiser". It’s correct, but awkward. I’d prefer using the short form "Synops", plural "Synopser". Other alternatives are "Sammandrag" which stays the same in plural or "Översikt"/"Översikter".) >Auto-fyll (I’d prefer "Autofyll")
>Format> >New Style from Selection (not translated) >Redefine Style from Selection (not translated)
>Layout>Sub-list (not translated)
Lägg till>New from Template (not translated)
New Folder from Selection (not translated)
Öppna> >in Annat (Vänster/Höger) textfönster (Should be "i annat (etc.) textfönster") >in Copyholder (Should be "i Copyholder" – or whatever "Copyholder" is called in Swedish)
A couple of things I’ve noticed in passing, but can’t localise right now:
Somewhere I saw the word "Skiss", which I think is a discarded translation of "Outline".
Somewhere I saw the "Scratchpad" referred to as "Kladdblock", which could be an apt translation.
Keep up the good work,
10 Posted by keith on 20 Oct, 2017 06:44 PM
When posting suggestions for changing translations, I would be grateful if you could do it in this format from now on:
++ Place in Interface
"Current Translation" = "Suggestion"
"Another Translation" = "Another Suggestion"
For instance:
++ Main Menu:
"Navigation" = "Blah Blah"
"Outliner Options" = "Blah blah"
++ Inspector:
"Comments" = "Better Word"
++ Compile:
"Compile" = "Suggestion"
And so on. This will allow me to copy your suggestions straight into my new updating tools with very little editing and so ensure they are applied. If you would rather send me a file with all the suggestions, please just use the above format and put it into a plain text file. Thanks!
11 Posted by matsgz on 22 Oct, 2017 08:41 AM
OK, Keith. I know that my feedback was quite difficult to read, mostly because I wrote it in Scrivener (to not have to jump between applications) and then trying to paste it into the forum. It just doesn't work. So here is a second attempt. I'll also send it as a mail.
The Swedish translation i apparently a work in progress, and probably you already know what is translated and what is not. Anyhow, this is some things I’ve noticed.
++Main Menu
"Preferences…" = "Inställningar…"
"Open" = "Öppna"
"Favourite Projects" = "Favoritprojekt"
"Clear Favourites" = "Rensa favoriter"
"Add Projects to Favourites" = "Lägg projekt till favoriter"
"Page Setup" = "Utskriftsformat"
"Print Current Document" = "Skriv ut aktuellt dokument"
"Välj "inkluderade" underdokument" = "Välj inkluderade underdokument"
"Skriv versal" = "till versaler"
"Skriv gemener" = "till gemener"
Image to File (not translated)
"Document" = "Dokument"
Outliner Options (not translated)
"Columns" = "Kolumner"
"Use Fixed Row Height" = "Använd fast radhöjd"
(Here as in other places the word "Label" appears. In the Project Settings (Projektinställningar) "Label" is translated to "Etikett", which is the correct Swedish word)
"in Textfönster" = "i textfönster"
"in Annat textfönster" = "i annat textfönster"
"Open Non-Group Items in Other" (not translated)
"Clear All Navigation Options" (not translated)
"New from Template" = "Ny från mall"
(Depending on what the translation should be of "Template". Mall (pl. "Mallar") is the shortest. "Malldokument" is longer but stays the same in plural)
"Character Sketch" = "Rollbeskrivning"
"Setting Sketch" = "Platsbeskrivning"
"Sub-list" = "Underlista"
"Etikettlista" (Correct, but in many places "Label" is used where "Etikett" would be more suitable)
"Sub-list" = "Underlista"
"Sub-list" = "Underlista"
"Template Sheets" = "Mallar"
"New Folder from Selection" = "Ny mapp från urval"
(I’ve noticed that you have chosen not to chose a Swedish word for "Synopsis", which is okey. What I find a bit jarring, though, is the plural "Synopsiser". It’s correct, but awkward. I’d prefer using the short form "Synops", plural "Synopser". Other alternatives are "Sammandrag" which stays the same in plural or "Översikt"/"Översikter".)
"Auto-fyll" ="Autofyll"
"New Style from Selection" = "Ny stil från markering"
"Redefine Style from Selection" = "Anpassa stil till markering"
"Sub-list" = "Underlista"
Lägg till
"New from Template" = "Ny från mall"
"New Folder from Selection" = "Ny mapp från urval"
"in Annat textfönster" = "i annat textfönster"
"in Vänster textfönster" = "i vänster textfönster"
"in Höger textfönster" = "i höger textfönster"
"in Copyholder" = "i Copyholder" (or whatever "Copyholder" is called in Swedish)
A couple of things I’ve noticed in passing, but can’t localise right now:
Somewhere I saw the word "Skiss", which I think is a discarded translation of "Outline".
Somewhere I saw the "Scratchpad" referred to as "Kladdblock", which could be an apt translation.
Keep up the good work,
12 Posted by keith on 22 Oct, 2017 12:06 PM
Many thanks, Mats. I had actually already converted all of what you'd posted so far to the format I need, but thanks for all the new stuff as well.
With "Label", it is normal that it will appear as "Label" in some areas. The menu items use the custom title for the label that is set in Project Settings. So if the project was created in a version that did not localise "Label" during the project creation process, it will use the English phrase. You can change it in Project Settings.
"Välj "inkluderade" underdokument" is actually correct because the English version is "Select "Included" Subdocuments" (with the quotes).
Also, the Swedish translation is not a work in progress - it is finished barring fixes, which is why we are asking users to check things. These tests have revealed a few problems, such as:
Any menu item that ends with an ellipsis (...) isn't showing up as translated in the current version. This is because of a mismatch between using a single ellipsis character in Scrivener and three dots in the translations, so the translations aren't showing up. This has been fixed for the next version.
There are a few new items that were added at the last minute to the last beta, and so had not been translated yet ("Add Project to Favorites", for instance). The translators are doing these for the next beta.
It turns out that there were a batch of phrases in my code that my translation tools had missed and so had not been sent to the translators. I've fixed up my tools and sent all of those phrases to the translators, so should have all of that fixed soon.
I've updated the translations with everything you've sent me.
13 Posted by matsgz on 22 Oct, 2017 06:29 PM
Thanks Keith,
for the acknowledgement and the explanations. When I said "work in progress" I didn't mean it as a critique, more as an excuse for petty detail comments.
14 Posted by Martin on 02 Nov, 2017 12:49 PM
From the translator
15 Posted by Nils Öhman on 02 Nov, 2017 01:30 PM
1) Yes, definitely better to use "Research" in Swedish (not "Forskning").
2) The problem with the Swedish word "Band" is that it has several meanings thus might confuse the user. "Pärm" is better, in my opinion.
16 Posted by matsgz on 02 Nov, 2017 03:06 PM
"Pärm" is good.
"Research" is good.
17 Posted by Martin on 13 Nov, 2017 06:43 PM
Import/Patch file now ready for update based on the feedback so far.
Many thanks to you all.
18 Posted by Nils Öhman on 13 Nov, 2017 06:58 PM
Ser att det står ”pärmet” i stället för ”pärmen”
mån 13 nov. 2017 kl. 19:43 skrev Martin <[email blocked]>:
19 Posted by Nils Öhman on 13 Nov, 2017 06:59 PM
Står också felaktigt researchsmapp i stället för researchmapp.
mån 13 nov. 2017 kl. 19:58 skrev Nils Öhman <[email blocked]>:
20 Posted by matsgz on 14 Nov, 2017 10:08 AM
Agree with Nils. "pärmet" = "pärmen"
This comes back in multiple places, and also create a need for a lot of small changes to make it consistent. e.g.:
"ett pärm" = "en pärm"
"det synkade pärmet" = "den synkade pärmen"
"Kunde inte spara pärmet eftersom det är tomt." = "Kunde inte spara pärmen eftersom den är tom."
"Pärmet försökte spara innan det hade laddats klart." = "Pärmen försökte spara innan den hade laddats klart."
"Det mobila pärmet verkar vara korrupt." = "Den mobila pärmen verkar vara korrupt."
"Synkade projektdata innehåller inte ett giltigt pärm. Försök öppna projektet igen." = "Synkade projektdata innehåller inte en giltig pärm. Försök öppna projektet igen."
"Uppdaterar internt pärm …" = "Uppdaterar intern pärm …"
And so on …
21 Posted by Martin on 27 Nov, 2017 03:51 PM
Thanks for pointing this out:
I thought there might be a chance I would break the consistency just mass replacing the words/strings you mention.
I will make sure the file is now reviewed by the translator.
System closed this discussion on 22 Jan, 2018 04:00 PM.