AutoCompleteList.strings ---------------------- "Words" = "複数単語" CompileFormatEditorView.strings ---------------------- "Page Setup..." = "ページ設定…" DocumentView.strings ---------------------- "Words" = "複数単語" "New Folder From Selection" = "選択から新しいフォルダを作成" "New From Template" = "テンプレートから新しく開く" "New From Template" = "テンプレートから新しく開く" "Done" = "完了" FindAndReplace.strings ---------------------- "Done" = "完了" "Done" = "完了" "Done" = "完了" KBCommentViewController.strings ---------------------- "Done" = "完了" LinguisticFocus.strings ---------------------- "Linguistic Focus" = "言語フォーカス" Localizable.strings ---------------------- "Done" = "完了" "New Document" = "新しいドキュメント" "Open in editor" = "エディタで開く" "words" = "複数単語" "Words" = "複数単語" "Add Column Before" = "前に列を追加" "Add Row Above" = "上の行を追加" "Add Row Below" = "下の行を追加" "Add Selection to Auto-Complete List" = "オートコンプリートリストに選択項目を追加" "Append Selection to Document" = "ドキュメントに選択を追加" "Append Synopses to Main Text" = "Synopsesをメインテキストに追加" "Check for Updates..." = "アップデートを確認します..." "Compose" = "構成" "Done" = "完了" "Enter Composition Mode" = "作成モードに入る" "Facing Pages" = "向かい側のページ" "Look Up in Dictionary and Thesaurus" = "辞書と類義語辞典を見る" "No Style" = "スタイルがありません" "Open in Editor" = "エディタで開く" "Open in Other Editor" = "他のエディタで開く" "Open in Quick Look" = "クイックルックで開く" "Outliner Selection Affects" = "アウトライナーセレクションの影響" "Purchase Scrivener..." = "Scrivenerを購入しています..." "Registration..." = "登録しています..." "Set Synopses from Main Text" = "Synopsesをメインテキストに設定" "Show Project Targets" = "プロジェクトの目標を表示" "Words" = "複数単語" "words" = "複数単語" "Add Project to Favorites" = "プロジェクトをよく使う項目に追加" "Centered Outline" = "中央合わせアウトライン" "Three-Pane (Corkboard)" = "3ペイン(コルクボード)" "Three-Pane (Outline)" = "3ペイン(アウトライン)" MainDocument.strings ---------------------- "New Folder From Selection" = "選択から新しいフォルダを作成" "words" = "複数単語" "New From Template" = "テンプレートから新しく開く" "New From Template" = "テンプレートから新しく開く" "Binder Selection Affects" = "バインダーセレクションの影響" "Binder Selection Affects" = "バインダーセレクションの影響" MainMenu.strings ---------------------- "Open…" = "開く…" "Print Current Document…" = "現在のドキュメントを印刷する..." "Preferences…" = "設定..." "Append Selection to Document" = "ドキュメントに選択を追加" "Append Selection to Document" = "ドキュメントに選択を追加" "New Folder From Selection" = "選択から新しいフォルダを作成" "Look Up in Dictionary and Thesaurus" = "辞書と類義語辞典を見る" "Enter Composition Mode" = "作成モードに入る" "New From Template" = "テンプレートから新しく開く" "New From Template" = "テンプレートから新しく開く" "Show Project Targets" = "プロジェクトの目標を表示" "New Style From Selection..." = "選択から新しいスタイルを開く..." "Redefine Style From Selection" = "選択からスタイルを再定義" "Redefine Style From Selection" = "選択からスタイルを再定義" "Change Element To" = "に要素を変更" "Change Element To" = "に要素を変更" "Add Column Before" = "前に列を追加" "with External Folder..." = "外部フォルダで..." "Reveal Support Folder in Finder" = "Finder のサポートフォルダを公開" "with External Folder Now" = "今すぐ外部フォルダで" "with Mobile Devices" = "モバイルデバイスで" "Completions" = "完成" "Completions" = "完成" "Complete Document Title" = "ドキュメントタイトルの完了" "Add Selection to Auto-Complete List" = "オートコンプリートリストに選択項目を追加" "Facing Pages" = "向かい側のページ" "Rounded to Nearest 50" = "最近接50に四捨五入" "Image From File..." = "ファイルからの画像..." "Rounded to Nearest 500" = "最近接500に四捨五入" "Rounded to Nearest 500" = "最近接500に四捨五入" "Rounded to Nearest 1000" = "最近接1000に四捨五入" "Writing History..." = "履歴作成中..." "Rounded to Nearest 1000" = "最近接1000に四捨五入" "Draft Character Count" = "ドラフト文字数" "Rounded to Nearest 100" = "最近接100に四捨五入" "Enclosing Group" = "同封グループ" "Image Linked to File..." = "ファイルにリンクされた画像..." "Draft Character Count" = "ドラフト文字数" "Binder Selection Affects" = "バインダーセレクションの影響" "Rounded to Nearest 50" = "最近接50に四捨五入" "Use Vertical Layout" = "垂直レイアウトを使用" "Binder Selection Affects" = "バインダーセレクションの影響" "Append Synopses To Main Text" = "Synopsesをメインテキストに追加" "Rounded to Nearest 100" = "最近接100に四捨五入" "Outliner Options" = "アウトライナー オプション" "Favorite Projects" = "よく使うプロジェクト" "Add Project to Favorites" = "プロジェクトをよく使う項目に追加" "Clear All Navigation Options" = "すべてのナビゲーションオプションをクリア" Preferences.strings ---------------------- "Compose" = "構成" "Words" = "複数単語" ProjectStatistics.strings ---------------------- "words" = "複数単語" "Characters (No Spaces):" = "文字(スペースなし):" "Characters (No Spaces):" = "文字(スペースなし):" StatisticsPopover.strings ---------------------- "Characters (No Spaces):" = "文字(スペースなし):" TargetsPanel.strings ---------------------- "words" = "複数単語" "words" = "複数単語" "words" = "複数単語" TextLinks.strings ---------------------- "Done" = "完了" WritingHistorySheet.strings ---------------------- "words" = "複数単語"