Translation Feedback - German

keith's Avatar


29 Sep, 2017 08:05 AM

Please keep all feedback pertaining to the German translation of Scrivener's UI to this thread.

NOTE: Please try to explain all issues in English, as we only speak English ourselves, although we will be passing all feedback on to our translators.



When posting suggestions for changing translations, I would be grateful if you could do it in this format from now on:

++ Place in Interface

"Current Translation" = "Suggestion"

"Another Translation" = "Another Suggestion"

For instance:

++ Main Menu:

"Navigation" = "Blah Blah"

"Outliner Options" = "Blah blah"

++ Inspector:

"Comments" = "Better Word"

++ Compile:

"Compile" = "Suggestion"

And so on. This will allow me to copy your suggestions straight into my new updating tools with very little editing and so ensure they are applied. If you would rather send me a file with all the suggestions, please just use the above format and put it into a plain text file. Thanks!

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  1. 151 Posted by Martin on 23 Oct, 2017 09:25 AM

    Martin's Avatar

    From the translator:

    There are a couple of queries I have, which I collated in a word document (sorry, not a spreadsheet because I was just finishing when your response arrived).

    I have ignored the missing translations (though I thought that in some cases the translation had in fact been provided already).

    As for word overflow and the connected font issues, these seem less an issue with the menu items but more with the text in text boxes. It’s going to be very difficult to achieve that without seeing the text, some kind of character limit or developer input. I’ve left them for now.

  2. 152 Posted by ECJ on 23 Oct, 2017 01:10 PM

    ECJ's Avatar

    My Opinion as far as it comes to translations:

    I agree with Number 1: "anzeigen" fits better than "darstellen" in those cases mentioned.

    Number 2: Never heard about that so my opinion wouldn`t help anyways

    Number 6: "Titelei" is something that I do understand and knwo what it means, so yes, leave it as it is

    Looks like we are nearing the release candidate. So can we have an iOS beta with those stylish knew Logo now? :-)

    Or does an other beta team work on the translations for that?

  3. Support Staff 153 Posted by keith on 23 Oct, 2017 09:32 PM

    keith's Avatar
    1. Regarding "View", "Darstellung" is preferable as it is the Apple translation, and as per my earlier feedback, the app will crash on Touch Bar machines if it doesn't use the Apple translation thanks to some rogue Apple code.

    2. "Pause" only every appears in Scrivener in the context of Pause/Play/Rewind/Forward, yes.

    3. All I can say is that "Transformations" should be "Transformationen" according to Apple apps; a German user will have to answer to the rest. :)

    4. Please ignore that. Those colour names come from Apple's colour wheel so cannot be translated. I'm not sure if there's a way of getting the translated names of those colours at all, and will look into it, but it's not something the translator can do which is why it's not in the files.

    Regarding word overflow, the initial brief was that translators should try to keep translations as short as possible, striving to keep them not much longer than the English translations (hard in German, I know!) since there is only so much UI space. The UI is designed to give a little more space around all text and so to have a little give (the cut off of "laden" being an exception and a bug on my end), but translations do need to be kept as short as possible.


  4. 154 Posted by sascha.mrowka on 31 Oct, 2017 09:31 PM

    sascha.mrowka's Avatar

    Scrivener Version 2.9.5 (20311) German

    I found some missing translations and careless mistakes. The "three dots" at the menus is not used consistently. Sometimes there is a space between word/sentence and the dots, sometimes not.
    Here are my suggestions:

    ++ Datei
    ++ "Favorite Projects" = "Favorisiere Projekt" (or "Projekt favorisieren")
    "Clear Favorites" = "Favoriten löschen"
    "Add Project to Favorites" = "Projekt zu Favoriten hinzufügen"
    ++ "Back Up" = "Backup"
    "Jetzt Backup erstellten" = "Jetzt Backup erstellen"
    ++ "Import" = "Importieren"
    "Website…" = "Webseite…"
    ++ "Exportieren"
    "as Scrivener2 Project…" = "Scrivener2 Projekt…"
    ++ Darstellung
    "Document" = "Dokument"
    "Only Show Scrivenings Titles for Folders" = "Nur Scrivenings Titel für Ordner anzeigen"
    "Outliner Options" = "Outliner Optionen"
    "Columns" = "Spalten"
    "Use Fixed Row Height" = "Verwende feste Zeilenhöhe"
    ++ Navigieren
    "Gehe zu"
    "Collection" = "Sammlung"
    "Zur nächsten Seite scrollen." = "Zur nächsten Seite scrollen"
    "Mappenauswahl betrifft"
    "Open Non-Group Items in Other" = "Öffne nicht gruppierte Elemente in Anderer"
    "Clear All Navigation Options" = "Alle Navigieren-Optionen löschen"
    ++ Projekt
    "Neu Text" = "Neuer Text"
    ++ Dokumente
    "Website in Text konvertieren" = "Webseite in Text konvertieren"

  5. 155 Posted by creech on 03 Nov, 2017 09:57 PM

    creech's Avatar

    ++ Starting Menu (Project Templates):

    "Offen" = "Öffnen"

  6. 156 Posted by Martin on 10 Nov, 2017 10:53 AM

    Martin's Avatar

    Update from translator:

    Please find attached (COMMENT UPDATED 13.11.17 - IGNORE FILE ATTACHED - WILL ATTACHED THE CORRECT FILE) the latest version with text shortenings and revisions.

    Regarding the translation for “View” translated as “Darstellung” as per mac menu item, but the feedback was that the consistent “darstellen” for “to view” should be changed to “anzeigen”. I’ve tried my best to separate the two instances out and provide accordingly.

    There was also some discussion about “Transformationen”, but to my mind they are clear and correct and according to Mac rules as they are.

    In the last correction round, the term “Backup” was changed to “Sicherung” after feedback, this time round, it seems that “Backup” is favoured again. Both terms are fine and correct, and just to settle the term, I’ve kept “Sicherung”.

    For the missing text, I think we had actually provided those missing bits in the latest “string translation” last week.

    Please note that the translations offered by the beta feedback group does contain the odd issue and erroneous translation. For example, for “Favorite Projects”, the translation is “Make a project a favorite”, and also there seems to be some confusion about (single) webpage (in German Webseite) and website (as in collection of webpages) – in German Website as in English. Because the words sound rather similar in German, this is a common mistake, but I think one that should be avoided in an app. (see also:

    Hope this helps!

  7. 157 Posted by Martin on 13 Nov, 2017 03:39 PM

    Martin's Avatar

    Posted by Martin on Nov 10, 2017 @ 10:53 AM

    This is the correct file attached.

    Which I have now cross referenced with the original file the translator sent me prior to this latest beta test.

  8. 158 Posted by Martin on 13 Nov, 2017 04:42 PM

    Martin's Avatar

    Revised file from:

    Posted by Martin on Nov 13, 2017 @ 03:39 PM

  9. 159 Posted by sascha.mrowka on 13 Nov, 2017 06:30 PM

    sascha.mrowka's Avatar

    First, I don't like the translation for show = darstellen. I would prefer "anzeigen".
    Second, again I found: "Back Up Now" = "Jetzt Backup erstellten" It's not correct! erstellten -> erstellen (without the "t") I mentioned this 2 or 3 times. Why this isn't corrected already?

  10. 160 Posted by alioqui on 13 Nov, 2017 06:55 PM

    alioqui's Avatar

    I second that - "darstellen" sounds REALLY strange. Should be changed to "anzeigen".

  11. 161 Posted by alioqui on 13 Nov, 2017 07:08 PM

    alioqui's Avatar

    "Select next in same style." = "In der gleichen Formatvorlage weiter wählen." Doesn't make much sense. I would translate it as "Nächstes mit gleicher Formatvorlage auswählen".

    "Select previous in same style." = "In der vorherigen Formatvorlage weiter wählen." This is just wrong. Should be translated as "Vorheriges mit gleicher Formatvorlage auswählen".

    (If that's too long, "auswählen" could be cut off).

  12. 162 Posted by Thomas Rabenste... on 13 Nov, 2017 09:08 PM

    Thomas Rabenstein's Avatar

    Hi there,

    I just looked over the latest version sent this afternoon and I’m surprised there are still a lot of errors in there.
    I mean, there are a couple of times we gave feedback on obvious issues like »Open«, does not mean »Offen« but »Öffnen«.
    And »Insert« is not an »Einsatz« (Mission) but »einfügen« (insert).

    I looked over it again and still find the usage of »darstellen« (several places) is not a good phrase and should be actually be written as »anzeigen«.
    In case you stick to it just because Apple is using it somewhere on their apps, I got to tell they should get help to reconsider a change. ;-)
    It’s just not the way we would say in German, even if people may understand what it is supposed to mean. However, it does look wrong in some ways.

    "Open" = »Offen«  (Several times)
    Open in the context you are using it means rather »Opening« -> Öffnen than »it is open« -> »Offen«  So I recommend to change it, because it’s wrong the way it shows.

    "Show Keywords HUD" = "Stichwörter-HUD darstellen«
    I have no idea what »Stichwörter-HUD« darstellen should mean. I bet a lot of Users will struggle.
    Do you mean bringing up the pop-up which shows the overview over all keywords?
    In case the answer is yes, I would write »Stichwörter Übersicht« oder »Alle Stichwörter anzeigen"

    "Body" = »Korpus« (Several times)
    Korpus ist the description for a »living or dead body«
    I have not seen it yet in any app to describe a »body text« and it looks very unusual.
    We rather say »Standard Text« or just »Text«.

    "Insert" = »Einsatz« (Several times)
    Einsatz means rather »Mission« like Millitäreinsatz -> Military mission …
    What you are looking for should be »Einfügen«

    "Research" = "Forschung"
    This is wrong. »Forschung« is used for scientists who work on bringing up a cold fusion reactor or develop a spaceship to land on Mars. ;-)
    In this case, we have the similar sounding word: Recherche.

    "Back Up Now" = "Jetzt Backup erstellten"
    There is a typo, one »t« too much. »erstellen« is the correct spell.

    Mit freundlichem Gruss,
    Thomas Rabenstein

    Motto: "Fantasie ist wichtiger als Wissen, denn Wissen ist begrenzt"
    Albert Einstein

    On 13. Nov. 2017, 17:42 +0100, Martin <[email blocked]>, wrote:

  13. 163 Posted by sascha.mrowka on 13 Nov, 2017 09:19 PM

    sascha.mrowka's Avatar

    I agree Thomas in all points.

  14. 164 Posted by alioqui on 13 Nov, 2017 09:43 PM

    alioqui's Avatar

    Me too.

    re "Korpus": It can be used as a linguistic term for a collection of source documents, but never for an HTML style... (assuming that this is what "body" is supposed to mean). Sometimes, "Body" is translated as "Textkörper", but this is quite unusual as well. I'd go with "Text" (not "Standard Text", because this doesn't make sense regarding HTML styles).

  15. 165 Posted by Martin on 27 Nov, 2017 02:12 PM

    Martin's Avatar

    Posted by sascha.mrowka on Nov 13, 2017 @ 06:30 PM - First, I don't like the translation for show = darstellen. I would prefer "anzeigen". Second, again I found: "Back Up Now" = "Jetzt Backup erstellten" It's not correct! erstellten -> erstellen (without the "t") I mentioned this 2 or 3 times. Why this isn't corrected already?

    Posted by alioqui on Nov 13, 2017 @ 06:55 PM - I second that - "darstellen" sounds REALLY strange. Should be changed to "anzeigen".

    Sorry guys I was in a major rush that day to get everything updated so Keith could submit to the app store and I have now realised I compiled the wrong version. I will post a newer version of the file later today. Thanks for your help.

  16. 166 Posted by Martin on 27 Nov, 2017 02:16 PM

    Martin's Avatar

    Posted by alioqui on Nov 13, 2017 @ 07:08 PM

    "Select next in same style." = "In der gleichen Formatvorlage weiter wählen." Doesn't make much sense. I would translate it as "Nächstes mit gleicher Formatvorlage auswählen".

    "Select previous in same style." = "In der vorherigen Formatvorlage weiter wählen." This is just wrong. Should be translated as "Vorheriges mit gleicher Formatvorlage auswählen".

    (If that's too long, "auswählen" could be cut off).

    I will query this with the translator.

  17. 167 Posted by Martin on 27 Nov, 2017 02:56 PM

    Martin's Avatar

    Here is corrected file (attached) minus some outstanding queries:

    Sent to the translator:

    "Select next in same style." = "In der gleichen Formatvorlage weiter wählen." Doesn't make much sense. I would translate it as "Nächstes mit gleicher Formatvorlage auswählen".

    "Select previous in same style." = "In der vorherigen Formatvorlage weiter wählen." This is just wrong. Should be translated as "Vorheriges mit gleicher Formatvorlage auswählen".

    (If that's too long, "auswählen" could be cut off).


    Sent to Keith then to be queried with the translator:

    "Show Keywords HUD" = "Stichwörter-HUD darstellen« I have no idea what »Stichwörter-HUD« darstellen should mean. I bet a lot of Users will struggle.

    Do you mean bringing up the pop-up which shows the overview over all keywords?
    In case the answer is yes, I would write »Stichwörter Übersicht« oder »Alle Stichwörter anzeigen"

  18. 168 Posted by alioqui on 27 Nov, 2017 03:47 PM

    alioqui's Avatar

    Translation looks much better now at first sight! Just a few quick remarks:

    "Show Line Numbers" = "Liniennummern anzeigen" should be „Zeilennummern anzeigen"

    Recurrent typo: „Formattierung…“ should be „Formatierung…“

    "Total columns only count documents included in Compile" = "Zusammenstellung enthält nur Gesamtspalten von gezählten Dokumenten" Sounds a bit nonsensical. Don't know what this means. My guess would be: "Summenspalten zählen nur kompilierte Dokumente"

    "Toggle split orientation." = "Doppelseitenformat wechseln" should be "Ausrichtung der geteilten Ansicht wechseln" (perhaps too long?)

    "Make text italic." = "Text kursiv anzeigen" "Make text bold." = "Text fett anzeigen" These commands are meant to actually change the format, not just the way you view it ("anzeigen"). For the sake of brevity, I would translate it as "Text kursiv" and "Text fett" respectively.

  19. System closed this discussion on 22 Jan, 2018 03:50 PM.

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